Hey Loves!
Welcome! welcome, I have a special treat for you today... This month I partnered up with a lovely lady named Ayumi who makes beautiful jewelry like the earrings you see in the pictures above. I met up with her to talk about life, her business and what makes her self titled business successful in this competitive jewelry market here in the PNW. Read on to learn more about my guest...
So first of all, I wanted to get to know about you. I read a little bit on your "About Page" from your website like where you're from and how you got into jewelry making and how it's taken off here in Portland. Tell me about yourself basically...
I moved to Portland 16 years ago and was born in Mexico and then I moved to Oregon to go to college. After college, I stayed in Portland for a while before I moved to Japan. My family is Japanese Mexican so I lived for a few years in Tokyo. My dad is Mexican and my mom is Japanese. In college, I got a graphic design degree and worked with that career in Japan for a while but after I moved back to Portland I had a son. It was difficult raising my son and working in Portland so I decide to take a break and step back when I realized I needed a creative outlet. So I started making jewelry for friends and for myself when I couldn't find the things I wanted to wear in the market. From there my business took off about 3 years in so after I started to realize this was something I quit my job and then just started making jewelry full time and it's been really fun!
What inspired this hobby turned career?
I kind of fell into it when I started making these things that I would wear on a daily basis. I felt like a lot of the jewelry that I liked was way too expensive so I just wanted to make something that I liked but also something that people could afford. I feel like a lot of the jewelry here is kind of expensive here in Portland because it's so competitive.
I'm kind of curious, where did your name come from for your brand, how did you come up with that?
The name is actually my real name, that's my first name. It's A Y U M I pronounced "eye you me" kind of like that. My last name is Angel in Spanish which is my dad's last name but here in the U.S. they call it angel so yeah it's all my real name.
What are the areas of jewelry making would you like to explore? I know you do a lot of earrings and necklaces right now...
Well, I've tried doing bracelets and I just don't find myself really wearing bracelets. Rings I don't wear as often. I normally wear one ring in each hand and I wear necklaces every day so I tend to stick with what I wear on the regular. So I guess I'm staying true to myself by making things that I would wear sticking to earrings and pendant necklaces. I've made those custom items before for my customers but regularly I don't make them unless I'm asked to.
I was curious because it says on your site that you make each piece by hand. I wanted to know what that looked like, so do you have a studio? What's your creative process like?
Yes, so I have a studio in my basement where I make and design each piece of jewelry by myself. I design it in my head or sketch out a drawing and play around with different stones and locally sourced materials. My husband has a shop in the garage so he helps me with metal or wood designs. Basically, I source a lot of things locally and then just simply put them together.
I love that! It's a one-man show. What kind of music or podcasts so you listen to while your working?
When I'm working I listen to the news like NPR radio, I love it. During the morning that's what I listen to but I really like music in Spanish. I'm not into country music but I do like some hip hop and rap.
Where do you see yourself within the next 3-5 years? What goals do you have? What does this look like for your brand?
For goals, I would say expanding a little bit more and getting out outside the state. My main goal would expand outside Oregon which I would say is my main goal in the near future. I just want to get out there a lit bit more. Last year was really busy and I'm already doing a lot more shows. So I'm hoping this year I can do fewer shows and focus more selling out of state and more on my website. I would really like to have more online sells than wholesale. I want to grow in the online market and focus on Instagram getting to work with more with influencers is a big part of it. Reaching more people so that more customers can find me online and shop my jewels.
Are you a coffee or tea person?
I like both. So, for instance, I drink coffee every morning, like no matter what I have to have a cup but then if I drink coffee in the afternoon around 2-3pm I can not sleep. So I would drink tea in the evenings and then wine at night.
Are you a morning or evening person?
I think evening but ever since I had my son, I've become much more of a morning person. I can get more done when I wake up earlier and don't mind it. If I didn't have my son to wake me up early I probably would be so lazy...
What nationality are you and how does it translate into your work?
I was born and grew up in Mexico, even though I'm part Japanese as well. I identify a little bit more with the Mexican culture just because that's where I grew up and it's the native language I speak. I like both which I think reflects in my pieces because they are very simple but I also add a little bit of flavor. It's a true reflection of both cultures and how I see them.
What's your favorite thing about being creative in your job? Do you make and run your jewelry business full time?
Yeah, I love the flexibility in my schedule. It's so nice, I love that I can work at certain times. I enjoy being able to plan everything and I love meeting new people and doing shows. I just really enjoy working and making things with my hands. I enjoy every step of the whole process. Having time to do other things like networking as well I very much enjoy too!
Do you have a favorite piece you've designed and why?
I have this necklace called the Aztec necklace where I had a really good friend in mind when I was making it. She was the inspiration for that piece and I also love the "V" necklace because you can wear it with everything, it's perfect. I also like the spike hoops too, they look really good on everyone and depending on the color it will give off a different feel depending on their personality.
What are three places you love to shop at?
I like to shop online sometimes and Adorn because they know my style. The places where I tend to sell the pieces I usually like to wear their products like Ecovibe. Consign Couture is another local place I like to shop at because I can find a lot of unique finds.
I wanted to know your thoughts on the fashion industry. What does sustainability mean to you? Do you have a philosophy when it comes to leaving your impact on the economy?
I like to buy locally and source materials from local shops here in Portland or at least made in the U.S. Sometimes if I need a few things I can stop in a local bead shop and pick up what I need. I try to buy in bulk because of it's cheaper and that way it keeps my costs down so that I can pass it down to the consumer. Everything I make I try to keep in mind hoping that it will last a long time and that it remains timeless and will age well. I like to think of my jewelry as something durable that you will keep wearing everyday.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my interview with Ayumi, I certainly had a lovely time meeting up in person at a local coffee shop the IRL way. I recorded our conversation on my phone and did my best at transcribing it on here.
For more information and to shop Ayumi Angel then head on over to her website: https://www.ayumiangel.com/shop
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