Silk printed scarf from Round Plus Square a sustainable company that supports gender equality, Free People onesie, Target strappy heels, MAC red lipstick in shade Chili and all other makeup is Gabriel Cosmetics.
Hey Everyone, Happy Tuesday!!!
Remember when I said I was shooting with my friend Shauna Dallanty @littlephotofox from a few weeks back??? Well here are some of the photos that resulted from that session, I hope you like them! I had a lot of fun taking these playful yet serious shots on top of the Saint Johns Bridge here in North Portland on a windy afternoon...
If you've also been following along for some time now you might remember a blog post from the beginning of the year titled, "New Year New Me" where I set new intentions for each month of the year for 2019. Today I'm back to have a progress review to see how much I've accomplished and what still needs to be tackled! You ready??? Here we go, I'm going to simply list the goals and intentions from before and add my commentary to see where I'm at.
January: Sober soldier (no alcohol all month long except on my birthday)
Status: I did my best on this goal and even wrote about it in a blog post, click HERE to see how I did!
Status: I did my best on this goal and even wrote about it in a blog post, click HERE to see how I did!
February: Start doing weekly yoga either at home or a local studio 2-3 times a week
Status: I did manage to start doing yoga once a week and sometimes twice a week during this month. I even signed up for a two week trial with Firelight Yoga studio in my neighborhood but after it was over I realized it would be too expensive for me to keep it up. So instead I told myself I'd do yoga at home as much as I could via good ole www.youtube.com. I still try to do yoga when I feel inspired to do so but the habit to do it frequently is a struggle, I realized that I'm quite active as it is like biking around and going on hikes so I gotta give myself some credit for that.
Status: I did manage to start doing yoga once a week and sometimes twice a week during this month. I even signed up for a two week trial with Firelight Yoga studio in my neighborhood but after it was over I realized it would be too expensive for me to keep it up. So instead I told myself I'd do yoga at home as much as I could via good ole www.youtube.com. I still try to do yoga when I feel inspired to do so but the habit to do it frequently is a struggle, I realized that I'm quite active as it is like biking around and going on hikes so I gotta give myself some credit for that.
March: Write a blog post every week (This is something I've been struggling with).
Status: This has been a realistic goal I've been able to accomplish which I'm proud to say that I've been able to write and publish at least once a week. My only hesitation is that now I've made soo much content all the time that I don't have time to blog about it all multiple times a week. I think next year bumping it up to two blog posts a week would be awesome, either that or start a youtube channel or open an online store could be options to help push myself to grow...
Status: This has been a realistic goal I've been able to accomplish which I'm proud to say that I've been able to write and publish at least once a week. My only hesitation is that now I've made soo much content all the time that I don't have time to blog about it all multiple times a week. I think next year bumping it up to two blog posts a week would be awesome, either that or start a youtube channel or open an online store could be options to help push myself to grow...
April: Go to Nashville or a weekend getaway trip for my 3 year anniversary with my love
Status: Soooo Nashville did not happen which I'm kinda sad about but it would've been too expensive for my partner and I so instead we drove out and explored Bend, Oregon instead which was definitely well worth it. The trip was also a lot more affordable since I got a BIG discount on our hotel room for being an employee at Mc Menimans and it was still a new experience that bonded us together. I wrote a whole blog post about it as well, Check it out HERE.
Status: Soooo Nashville did not happen which I'm kinda sad about but it would've been too expensive for my partner and I so instead we drove out and explored Bend, Oregon instead which was definitely well worth it. The trip was also a lot more affordable since I got a BIG discount on our hotel room for being an employee at Mc Menimans and it was still a new experience that bonded us together. I wrote a whole blog post about it as well, Check it out HERE.
May: Learn to Garden and plant some seeds in the backyard planter boxes
Status: I did this! My garden is growing and I'll be writing a blog post on my experience with gardening reviewing what I learned later this year...
Status: I did this! My garden is growing and I'll be writing a blog post on my experience with gardening reviewing what I learned later this year...
June: Visit San Diego and revisit old friends and family (I'll already be flying back home to Southern California for a wedding that month anyway so this will be easy)
Status: Done and done, so I already went back to San Diego to visit family a few weeks ago when Grant and I did the big road trip ( which I'll be posting up some blog posts probably next week from our experience). I'm also flying home at the end of the week for the wedding I mentioned above which is very exciting! Plus next week is Grants birthday so we are planning on going camping to celebrate, traveling and adventures are happening, guys...
Status: Done and done, so I already went back to San Diego to visit family a few weeks ago when Grant and I did the big road trip ( which I'll be posting up some blog posts probably next week from our experience). I'm also flying home at the end of the week for the wedding I mentioned above which is very exciting! Plus next week is Grants birthday so we are planning on going camping to celebrate, traveling and adventures are happening, guys...
July: Have a new job as a hairdresser working at my dream salon Magnum Opus
Status: I still do not have my cosmetology license transferred yet to the state of Oregon but I hope to change that soon. I really need to start studying daily online so that I feel ready to drive to Salem and take my test. Once I pass and am fully licensed as an Oregon Cosmetologist then I'll be crushing my goal of working in a salon, hopefully, Magnum Opus. It's gonna happen though! I still got time!
Status: I still do not have my cosmetology license transferred yet to the state of Oregon but I hope to change that soon. I really need to start studying daily online so that I feel ready to drive to Salem and take my test. Once I pass and am fully licensed as an Oregon Cosmetologist then I'll be crushing my goal of working in a salon, hopefully, Magnum Opus. It's gonna happen though! I still got time!
August: Go explore in Oregon and hit the river swimming holes every week and go camping!
Status: This is already happening and I'm sure I'll be sharing more and more about this topic as the opportunities come. I do think thisAugust Grant and I will be day tripping off to Seattle for a night to see a baseball game. My boyfriend Grant is a HUGE Padres baseball fan and loves going to games but since there's no team in Portland we like to go see the Padres play in Seattle once a year when they go up against the Mariners.
Status: This is already happening and I'm sure I'll be sharing more and more about this topic as the opportunities come. I do think thisAugust Grant and I will be day tripping off to Seattle for a night to see a baseball game. My boyfriend Grant is a HUGE Padres baseball fan and loves going to games but since there's no team in Portland we like to go see the Padres play in Seattle once a year when they go up against the Mariners.
September: Take a DIY class and learn Macrame from Emily Katz
Status: Still want to do this and however I take her class they now offer this thing called the Knot along which I may look into if I'm not able to go to an actual class since she doesn't offer a lot of in-person ones. I'll keep you posted!
Status: Still want to do this and however I take her class they now offer this thing called the Knot along which I may look into if I'm not able to go to an actual class since she doesn't offer a lot of in-person ones. I'll keep you posted!
October: Actually dress up this year and go to a Halloween costume party with my boyfriend.
Status: I hope we get the chance to do this, I already have some costume options in mind!
Status: I hope we get the chance to do this, I already have some costume options in mind!
November: Make a few Thanksgiving dishes to contribute to dinner this year!
Status: I hope to cook some dishes still especially using some specimens from my garden...
Status: I hope to cook some dishes still especially using some specimens from my garden...
December: Try a new recipe once a week and blog about it or document it on Instagram.
Status: I can't wait for this goal, I have a few cookbooks I hope to use as references when I cook my way through the winter.
That about wraps this "Check In" up, so far so good! I feel like I've definitely accomplished a lot this year and can't wait to tackle on more!
Status: I can't wait for this goal, I have a few cookbooks I hope to use as references when I cook my way through the winter.
That about wraps this "Check In" up, so far so good! I feel like I've definitely accomplished a lot this year and can't wait to tackle on more!
Love this post and these goals!