From top to bottom, my favorite new pink Brixton hat found HERE denim 90's jacket from a thrift store, halter high low spring dress from Anthropologie find similar ones HERE gold metallic booties from ALDO, body chain and other cuffs found at Blues and Shoes, Roost Co. and lastly the new "It" bag of my obsession a Rebecca Minkoff mini MAC bag.
Hi Loves!
I know I'm a day late but HAPPY EARTH DAY everyone : )
I hope all my readers are enjoying their weekend and enjoying the beautiful spring weather like I am. I'm also very excited to share with you all today a new outfit shoot I recently took with none other than my other creative half miss Julie Jones of Jones Photography Co. On a side note read her interview HERE.
She did a wonderful job capturing the gorgeous landscape on these images we took which in all honestly was a brilliant session since we killed two birds with one stone. We scouted this location several weeks back when we took outfit images from these two photo shoots: Desert Cactus Theater & Wild Wild West it was along the drive and we thought it would be the perfect place to some future photo shoot ideas. So there ya have it, making stuff happen!
Pretty much I kinda felt like I was a little girl again picking wildflowers and frolicking around in the tall wild grass, taking deep breaths embracing the warmth of spring and all its beauty. There's something so freeing being in the wilderness. Words can't describe the feeling of freedom one gets filled within such natural beauty especially with it being right in your own backyard. We should give gratitude and thanks for what nature has given us greedy humans. Do yourself a favor this month and go on a hike, walk around in the dirt, sand, mud or grass barefoot and get grounded people. It's good for you, after all, it's good for your soul because getting in tune with the earth and appreciating it is what this month is all about...
- Jordy
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