Hey Loves!
Did you know that this week was national donut week??? Well at least on Friday it was National Donut Day to be exact and I don't know about you I celebrated by enjoying a little treat. This place Pips Original Donuts and Chai is one of my absolute favorite places to eat donuts and drink a delicious chai latte, they pair so perfectly together and Pips does it the BEST in my opinion!
If you a local in Portland then you probably already know about this place but if you enjoy a good crumble or cinnamon mini donut and you want to visit Portland then add this place to your list when you come to explore the city of roses. I used to see a few of my favorite bloggers like The Moptop frequent this spot on Instagram waayy before I even knew I wanted to move here so it's pretty surreal to be able to go a visit places like this that I thought only existed for those lucky enough to live in such a cool city.
Speaking of bloggers and Instagrammers I would like to formally introduce to you readers a new photographer gal pal Kristen May who goes by @Kristenmayx on the gram. She's a 28-year-old from the east coast (Maryland to be exact) who moved out to the west coast with her now future husband about a year or so ago to explore the Pacific North West like so many other curious souls. I had a lovely time getting to know her enjoying some one on one time sipping on my spicy chai while discussing which donut flavor was our favorite.
Part of why I relaunched this blog about 8 months ago after taking a year off was to get myself out of my comfort zone and meet other like-minded creative people. Kristen is definitely someone I can relate a lot to from sharing our love of cats (we are both cat moms) to enjoying vintage things and fashion we easily got along...
I look forward to more hangout sessions in the future.
Making friends as an adult is a tricky thing to do so when you have things like blogging and photography to bring girls like us together then it just works without trying. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're looking to make some new friends or meet other similar souls that share aligned interest then try reaching out online. Social Media has a bad wrap when people only tend to focus on the negative sides of things but for me, I've chosen to use it as a tool for connecting with other people like myself it has been such a fun thing to do. You reap what you sew, basically, if you put in the effort eventually the favor will be returned.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading about this unique spot in Portland as well as learning about my new friend Kristen. I hope you get to eat a donut to get you in the spirit!
Till next time!
If you like my style then you'll definitely be into hers...
Kristen's photography website:
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