Hey Guys!
Thanks for scrolling through and checking out my images that were taken on last months EPIC road trip. To give you a bit of back story, my boyfriend Grant and I had the pleasure of flying back to San Diego, California from Portland, Oregon where we drove a new to us (it's used) Toyota pick up truck with a camper shell back to Portland over the course of a few days. Along our journey, we stopped in Mammoth where we took a dip at the Wild Wet WIllies hot springs, car camp in the Umpqua national forest near Crater Lake, which was so fresh and green. We also camped near Bend Oregon in the Deschutes National Forrest and checked out the Umpqua famous hot springs as well as drinking some delicious beers at Crux brewery when we passed through Bend, Or.
Needless to say, we did a ton of stuff jam-packed in a matter of a few days. It was a super quick road trip where we covered miles and miles every day. Driving up from southern California all the way up to Oregon was a magical experience and in case you can't tell from these photos we had a lot of fun doing so.
To keep things short and simple I'm including a list of all the places we stopped along the way on the drive listed in chronological order. So here goes, I hope this is helpful for when you plan your next road trip!!!
1. Sunny San Diego, California the trip begins in Encinitas where we pick up our new truck.
2. Day one begins of the actual road trip and we head off to Mammoth Lakes where we had lunch in Bishop ( located right below Mammoth Mountain ) before heading into town
3. Our first hot springs of the trip Wild Wet Willies ( I highly recommend stopping here if you're ever passing through Mammoth ( especially in the late spring like we did)
4. Day two of our road trip took us to the Umpqua National Forest where we camped in the car for the first time. It took us 8 hours driving from Mammoth to get there, but it was so worth it.
5. Day three we started the morning at the Umpqua Hot Springs which are some very famous natural sulfur hot spring hidden away in this beautiful forest. Insider tip: Hike down to the bottom of the hot springs where the river is and you'll have a single ht sping to yourself for making the treck like we did.
6. Next stop after the hot springs was Bend, Oregon for some lunch and a drink at Crux Brewery and after we headed out to the Deschutes National Forest for yet another night of car camping the back of the truck bed.
Yeah, that's pretty much it for the extent of the trip. That last day we had some car trouble but still managed to get ourselves back to Portland so we were both able to get to work the next morning. I hope you enjoyed this journey with us. For more footage, videos and photos feel free to check out my Instagram story highlight titled, "ROAD TRIP" where I documented the trip in its entirety.
Now get out and explore my friends!
Happy Monday, I hope you all have a fantastic week!
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